Pavel Nosok | Graphic Design, Web Development, WordPress

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Posts Categorized / Tools

13 Cool Tools for Creating Infographics

10.09.2018 | Graphic Design, Infographics, Tools, Useful | by Nosok

An infographic, put simply, is a creative way to take a “thousand words” and depict them using a picture. These days, readers are looking for quick access to brief information. The digital world offers some efficient and powerful tools for creating infographics. These tools make your infographic more visually appealing and engaging. Here’s a list… More »

16 Best Mind Mapping Tools

08.04.2015 | Project Management, Tools, Useful | by Nosok

In order to be able to see a relationship between various ideas and information, we use mind mapping. This includes gathering thoughts, coming up with new ideas, project planning, and more to solve problems or have novel ideas. Below you will find a list of the best mind mapping tools. 1. XMind 2. Stormboard 3. SimpleMind 4. Scapple 5. Popplet 6. Mindomo… More »

10 Useful Web Design Tools

07.04.2015 | Prototyping, Tools, Useful, Web Design | by Nosok

The job of a web designers is very complex. They needs to take care of the code, take care of the design, and take care of everything that suits them, as well as the visitor, to produce the best results, and be the most productive in the last time. A good website design is very… More »