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Posts Categorized / Project Management

8 Best Project Management Apps

04.05.2015 | Apps, Project Management, Video | by Nosok

When you have project management apps, you can take care of your team, tasks and deadlines, without even being in the office. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money to get most of the apps you might need. Here are some of them. 1. Evernote 2. Basecamp 3. Asana 4. Microsoft Project 5. Trello 6. Podio 7. OmniPlan 8. Casual

16 Best Mind Mapping Tools

08.04.2015 | Project Management, Tools, Useful | by Nosok

In order to be able to see a relationship between various ideas and information, we use mind mapping. This includes gathering thoughts, coming up with new ideas, project planning, and more to solve problems or have novel ideas. Below you will find a list of the best mind mapping tools. 1. XMind 2. Stormboard 3. SimpleMind 4. Scapple 5. Popplet 6. Mindomo… More »

15 Useful Solutions that Support the Collaborative Work

06.04.2015 | Project Management, Software, Useful | by Nosok

In fact, all the start-ups that don’t make it to the next level have one thing in common: their decision-making habits proved inefficient. Project management software helps you structure your work flow within optimum parameters, making your team operate like a well-oiled machine. Below, you will find some ‘entry-level’ options regarding PM that are perfect… More »

Who are Product Managers? (Infographic)

28.03.2015 | Infographics, Project Management | by Nosok

Product Manager led the product meets the needs of the market throughout product life cycle, ensuring giving profit to the company. Managing a product or product line is not an easy job, because product manager is completely responsible for the business plan means things related to product, whether it is development, production, promotion, sales, cost,… More »

Tips For Running Effective Meetings

26.03.2015 | Infographics, Project Management | by Nosok

Meetings are an essential part of the life of every organization and your ability to run effective meetings with your management skills is a critical part of your success in meeting management. Check out a handy visual guide to running effective meetings.

Top 10 Agile Fails (Animated Infographic)

25.03.2015 | Agile, Infographics, Project Management | by Nosok

The Agile framework definitely can be a powerful way of going about developing software. But as with any process, things can go wrong. It’s important to stay on top of things before they get out of hand and management can play a key role in ensuring good results. Here is animated infographic about it.

13 Project Management Terms You Should Know

23.03.2015 | Infographics, Project Management | by Nosok

Every profession has a list of terms that serve as the building blocks for its knowledge base. Project management is no exception. As a project manager, there are certain terms you should be well versed with. A study of these 13 terms is an excellent place to improve your management skills.
