Pavel Nosok | Graphic Design, Web Development, WordPress

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Posts Categorized / Video

8 Best Project Management Apps

04.05.2015 | Apps, Project Management, Video | by Nosok

When you have project management apps, you can take care of your team, tasks and deadlines, without even being in the office. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money to get most of the apps you might need. Here are some of them. 1. Evernote 2. Basecamp 3. Asana 4. Microsoft Project 5. Trello 6. Podio 7. OmniPlan 8. Casual

Top 10 Bitcoin Facts (Video)

09.04.2015 | Bitcoin, Video | by Nosok

Created by an unknown programmer, used by drug dealers and stockpiled by the FBI. It’s bitcoin and here are 10 things about the world’s most famous digital currency.

Mark Cuban’s 12 Rules for Startups (Video)

03.04.2015 | Inspiration, Startups, Video | by Nosok

Anyone who has started a business has his or her own rules and guidelines, so Mark Cuban thought he would add to the memo with his own. His “rules” below aren’t just for those founding the companies, but for those who are considering going to work for them, as well.

Top Trends in Project Management for 2015 (Video)

18.03.2015 | Project Management, Trends, Video | by Nosok

The call for better project management in the IT sector is ringing more fervently than in any other industry. More and more money is being invested into IT worldwide, and with the increasing complexity of IT projects, rapidly changing technologies, and the high cost of project failure, these project managers are burdened with heavier responsibilities… More »