Pavel Nosok | Graphic Design, Web Development, WordPress

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Posts Categorized / Inspiration

Graphic Designer’s Roadmap

15.04.2015 | Graphic Design, Infographics, Inspiration | by Nosok

Here is a one of the best and most useful Infographic specially designed for graphic designers who want to get better at what they do. The infographic provide you all basic advice and Tips and most commonly asked questions related to design which guide you in the process of taking your design skills to the… More »

Token: A Next Generation Payment Device (Concept)

10.04.2015 | Concept, Gadget, Inspiration | by Nosok

Losing your wallet can be quite a painful experience. You would have to replace your credit cards and everything else that you have lost. That’s the reason why Token is very useful device. It is a wearable bracelet that connects to your payment accounts (e.g. checking & savings, PayPal, and digital currencies). It has a… More »

How Do I Start Mining Bitcoins? (Infographic)

05.04.2015 | Bitcoin, Infographics, Inspiration | by Nosok

In traditional fiat money systems, governments simply print more money when they need to. But in bitcoin, money isn’t printed at all – it is discovered. Computers around the world ‘mine’ for coins by competing with each other. The infographic explaining every step you need to take in order to become a Bitcoin miner.

Trident Gum (Concept) by Hani Douaji

04.04.2015 | Concepts, Inspiration, Packaging | by Nosok

Trident Xtra Care is a chewing sugar-free gum that helps protect teeth and gums in between meals and gives a whiter brighter smile. Hani Douaji created a new playful and interactive packaging which enhance the main feature of the product “Protecting Teeth”. A range of Six packs that represent three flavours, each pack has an illustration… More »

Mark Cuban’s 12 Rules for Startups (Video)

03.04.2015 | Inspiration, Startups, Video | by Nosok

Anyone who has started a business has his or her own rules and guidelines, so Mark Cuban thought he would add to the memo with his own. His “rules” below aren’t just for those founding the companies, but for those who are considering going to work for them, as well.

Infographic: 44 Simple Daily Activities To Enjoy Your Work

02.04.2015 | Infographics, Inspiration, Useful | by Nosok

An enterprise that invests in its employees and keeps them motivated is more likely to succeed than the others. Employee motivation needn’t always come through monetary rewards; creating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, sharing and collaboration creates more productive and happier people. Officevibe illustrates 44 simple day-to-day activities that not only improve your… More »