In 2015, Mobile Optimization will continue to be big. That is, responsive websites will become even more critical and potentially take a huge leap with multiple websites switching to responsive design. Content Marketing would also make a great impact in 2015 and we can expect to see more budget allocated to the preparation and distribution… More »
Although there are a lot of elements that can make a great design, this infographic enumerates and describes the top 9 which are essential in achieving a look that is representative of the coming trends for this year.
“Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.” – Linus Torvalds (Creator of Linux)
Here are the trends by the numbers and what they mean for your business. If you have a problem previewing this document click here
UX and UI designers work in a pretty similar environment. But their roles are quite different from each other.
What do you agree or disagree with? Where is digital marketing headed in 2015?